Thursday, May 5, 2011

I'm going Green!!

Well, I've been very consistent with recycling and whatnot but now I would like to go a step further. Besides turning off lights when not in use and using as much natural light as possible(I'm very excited for the summer, that means longer days!), I wanna use my reusable bags ALL the time and I'm going to try to remember to bring them along when I go grocery shopping. Here are my current changes and future changes:

  1.These are the only places I really shop and I only need one bag because I don't get alot when I shop :) These are always advertised around the store and at the checkouts. Pick one up! and they're usually cheap

2. Another way I'm going green is using a reusable water bottle. It's alot better than throwing away a plastic bottle and it's so convenient! I have bought several, mostly for my loved ones. 
 I'm currently using this water bottle. I love it so much. It makes drinking water fun! Especially if you're not a big water drinker. Before you know it, you're done with the water and you're ready to fill it back up again! 
3. I know summer is coming and it's going to be scorchin' outside! But I would really really like to get a bike and ride to where I need to go. It will save on gas and I'll get good exercise! two in one deal!

I feel very strongly about this commitment, and I'm hoping to inspire others to make some changes too. I also joined a website that will send me updates on how I can go greener, they will also notify me of any farmer's markets I can go to. Even though these are minor changes, they'll help in making our earth smile :). 

I'll be posting how my progress is!

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