Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Let's start over

This past weekend was very difficult, one, because I worked nonstop, but I liked working so that shouldn't be number one. I worked all day Friday and all day Saturday but I loved being productive and the people I work with are amazing. They help keep my mind off things and keep me smiling and laughing which is ultimately what I need right now. Anyway, Saturday night I read that my boyfriend that I just got out of a relationship with had already got another girlfriend, this hurt me so bad! I was thinking, "how could he have found someone so soon??!! (it had only been a week since we broke up)Especially when I'm still dreading the thought that I'll never see him again." ugh, I was crushed... So that news pretty much ruined Sunday for me, all I wanted to do was cry myself to sleep. I didn't want to acknowledge this day or even go through every hour, every minute...(I had the day off with nothing to do and all my sisters were at work.)But I knew that sleeping in and bring sad wouldn't change anything, it would only make me feel worse and remind me of everything again once I woke up, further delaying my recovery process. So I dragged myself out of bed, puffy eyed and everything, and put on my favorite show, Sex and the City, and told myself, "I don't want to feel these negative thoughts and feelings, go away." I felt much better and even relieved after saying that a couple of times. :)

In yoga,(yup! I'm talking about yoga again!)my teacher once told us while we were in savasana to invision ourselves in a white light, this white light was our positive energy, our positive energy and shield and if any negative feelings entered we could fight it by saying some sort of positive affirmation. So that's what I did. It helped me. :)

This morning my heart swelled with happiness and I felt wonderful, so ready for the day and even excited for work! To shake off the weekend's dreariness, I curled my hair for work! And I never do that! Not to mention I've been against getting dolled up for work, don't see the point because I work retail and I'd rather go comfy but today I wanted to experience something different, even something small, and go outside my comfort zone, I'm so glad I did too! Seems like when you try something new you see all these doors open and your mind floods with so much more ideas.

I'm going to do my own thing and whomever or whatever comes along, I'll deal with it then, but right now, I want to enjoy life and love the people in it who DESERVE my attention, especially those that helped me through this tough time, you know who you are ;) and as for everyone else.... Buenas suerte! (good luck!)

Drew <3

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