There are 14 chapters in this book and each chapter is natural step to health and happiness. There are some amazing facts in here! For example, he dedicates a whole chapter on dirt and how dirt is HEALTHY for you. When a kid plays outside and gets dirty, this is strengthening his immune system and making his body stronger by fighting germs early in his life. Another chapter he dedicates to music and how powerful it is. I never realized how much music is involved in our lives and how influential it is. Music is so powerful that a researcher has reported cases where comatose patients in intensive care have gained consciousness when a music therapist softly sings certain melodies to them! There are tons of other facts about music such as how some scientists have found melodies in human DNA and how BEAUTIFUL the melody sounds when played.
One chapter that I feel really connected to is the chapter on plants. Plants are so amazing. They are a major factor in modern medicine. Doctors use plants as healers all the time. Scientists have used some plants to try and find an AIDS and cancer cure. Only two successful plants were produced between 1960 and 1980, one plant derived from the Pacific yew tree and from the Chinese Tree of Joy. Also, older people that, for example, are in a resting home and care for a plant have been proven to live longer than the older people who don't have a plant to care for. Plants also respond to human energy. A study was done with a woman with a depressive neurosis, a man known to have a green thumb, and a man with psychotic depression. The theory was that if plants were watered with water that had been held by depressed people, they would grow more slowly than if held by people in an upbeat mood. This theory was proven correct! The woman with depressive neurosis even responded to the study with a brighter attitude and asked lot of questions. There's so much more in this book and this is just a taste of it. And trust me, the author puts it in better words than I did.
After reading the chapter on plants I got this plant:
Bought it at Target for a dollar and I want to try to find a connection to my plant and see if it will respond to my energy and even "speak" to me as many herbalists claim plants do with them. I'm excited about this experiment!!
This also makes it alittle harder to be a vegetarian. Vegetarians eat only plants because they don't wanna bring harm to animals but it turns out plants have feelings and life in them as well. This was a great argument that the author put in this book. I will definitely be more respectful towards plants and what I eat from now on.
This book is just so awesome! I haven't finished it yet and I don't wanna finish it too early, I wanna preserve the excitement that I feel when I read it. So many facts and proven studies in every chapter. Makes me appreciate life even more and love everything from people, to the bugs in our earth, to the dirt we step on everyday.
Today at work, I was enjoying one of many Dove dark chocolates I had(what?! I looooove dark chocolate! haha) and in each rapper there is a inspiring quote or saying, similar to what we find in a fortune cookie. This is what I read when I finished one of my chocolates:
"Love every moment." Thanks Dove!This made me smile! not only because the chocolate was amazing but because I've been enjoying every moment possible. Every second is precious, every word we say, and every breath that we breathe.
Anyway, sorry for the long post but I wanted to share my joy I found in this book! Hope all is well with everyone! :)
P.S I'll keep you updated on my plant! hahaha