So, a couple of months ago I decided to take my passion and connection for yoga and do a teacher training program at this school in Tempe. I can't believe how fast the time flew! I remember thinking how long it was going to be until I finally started school and here we are! first week of school!
My first day was on Tuesday (10/11) and right when I walked through the doors, I decided to sit down and wait a little bit because I was early. Then one of my instructors calls for the YO 101 class and says, "take off your shoes! there are no shoes allowed in the room!" So we have to be barefoot in the room, and it's so comfortable! I almost forget that I'm at school working towards a Certificate sometimes haha. And we have to wear comfortable clothes, I can't wait to make this my job. Barefoot and in yoga pants for the majority of the day! Heck yes! sign me up! :)
There are so many students in this class! it's amazing! and they're all so welcoming and friendly and we're all there for the same reason and the same intentions, which binds us even more. We started the class by sitting on the floor in a huge circle and as I looked at everyone I almost started to feel claustrophobic and just wanted to hide. I didn't know, at first, if wanted to pursue being a yoga instructor because I fear that I won't be able to reach out to any of my students and inspire them like I have been inspired. We learned about the word "guru" which means, "one who brings another from dark to light." I was so amazed at this word because this is the experience I had when I started doing yoga almost three years ago. My very special friend, Allison, introduced me to yoga and completely changed my life, that's what a guru does. I would really like to help someone like she did. I'm worried I won't be able to fully express or articulate an answer to a question that one of my students might have. I also am alittle uncomfortable with having the attention on me. I guess I just don't have all the confidence I need but that's why I'm doing this, to gain the proper knowledge and confidence, not to mention all the implied stuff, like the priceless experience and happiness this will bring me.
I would really like the opportunity to help someone find the light that they need. I can't even express how "found" I felt when I started doing yoga. I probably sound crazy but when I compare myself from now to when I was in my early years of high school, the difference is noticeable. My mom even told me how glad she was when I started doing yoga. She knows how bad I was and how depressed I was.
Anyway, when we finished doing introductions, I started feeling more at ease and more like I belonged there with everyone else. We learned some words in sanskrit and learned what the word "yoga" means and where it derives from. Even after those first three hours of that class, I felt so calm, and all my worries subsided, and I felt more like this is the path I'm supposed to take. It's the environment that I've desired for so long, one of the reasons I decided to the 30 Day Hot Yoga Challenge. It's such a comforting place to be and such an escape from our day to day lives. I went home so refreshed and content.
My second class was on Thursday (10/13) and this class was kind of emotional for me. If anyone has ever told you about a life changing experience or something that happened to them that just changed their perspective on life, well this is what I feel pretty much every yoga class I take. On Thursday we learned about the "om" symbol and what it means exactly. This is the symbol that I have tattooed on my foot. Then we split up into two groups and had two separate yoga classes to demonstrate breathing techniques and asanas(poses). All these poses are poses I have done a million times, and some of the sanskrit names were familiar as well because of all my hot yoga classes. then we did a meditation exercise that was probably about ten minutes long! I didn't know I could meditate that long. haha During this time, I was almost on another level, somewhere so unbelievably comfortable that I didn't want to come out of it. The instructor was talking and there were some times where I would black out and not hear her speaking. I was there but I wasn't there at the same time. Then I started to tear up. I felt so happy and clear minded and like I belonged in that room, on that yoga mat, at that time with all those people. It was great and so relaxing.
I slept really good that night :)
I can't wait to find out what else this experience has in store for me in the next six months. After I'm finished with this 200 hour course I will be certified to teach yoga! But I am going for 760 hours of yoga :) as well as some additional classes. I'll be keeping a journal to store my journey. I'm so excited!