Sunday, January 23, 2011

What a whirlwind...

So, this weekend was full of all different emotions... very crazy. I was being really unoraganized too because on Monday I'm moving into my new apartment with my cousin(yay!) and I barely started to pack. I also have stuff at my mom's house still and stuff at my current residence. Ah! everything is everywhere! haha This weekend I was at my parent's house and I love to be there but my dad makes me feel so unwelcome and so uncomfortable. I'm not overexaggerating this either, he seriously makes me want to leave the room if he's there with me. I feel like my presents just bothers him. Some days he likes me and other days he doesn't. But lately, he doesn't seem to like me haha. I normally call my sister ahead of time to make sure he's not there when I want to come over. Anyway, otherwise I love to be there. My mom is the best, I can eat when I want and watch tv, I can just relax. She's the best! She does so much for me :) I love her so much!

                                My mom is on the left and that's my older sister, on the right :)
My new roommate, Summer!

Unfortunately, this weekend my dad had off so he was home the whole time. I just stayed in the room with my sister(above) and it was great, I got to spend some time with her :). We even had a movie date together on Friday night.
Saturday, I was supposed to go to the 8am hot yoga class but slept right through my alarm because I went to sleep way too late the night before. I couldn't go to the noon class because I had work at 2pm and the classes are 90 minutes so I would get out at 1:30, not enough time to shower and get there before 2. Needless to say, my Saturday sucked! I was so unbalanced and I just felt really down. My day at work didn't go like I had planned... and I had eaten WAY too much before work, and not good things either. I had a really bad sweet tooth and just broke down haha. I did alot better today though :) My new goal is to not eat sweets of any kind anymore. They just make me feel so bad afterwards(dark chocolate is my weakness). Saturday night after work I just went straight to my mom's house and then layed down and listened to music and hoped for sleep. I was just thinking way too much about my apartment and if I'll be able to afford everything... and also my ex boyfriend and how much I missed him. It was a real off day! I wasn't myself at all.
There he is. Our one and only picture together

Today, was alittle better. I was still feeling off but I didn't have to go to work so I made the best of it. I made it to hot yoga yay! and boy was it HOT! I thought I might pass out! But there were alot of people so I guess it was added body heat as well. I made it through the entire class though! I thought about running out a couple of times haha I won't lie. I sweat a pretty good amount, enough to make up for yesterday, that's for sure.
I ended the day with saying goodbye to my family :) and my nephew, Elijah(Older sister Coty's baby), gave me a big 'o kiss! and a hug(he's only 3, sooooo cute!) Made my night!

Some other photos of family! :)

Me and my younger sister, Brooke, she's amazing!

Me and my younger brother, Cruz(he's the youngest of the family)

I have two other brothers but I need pictures of them. So, stay tuned :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

So inspired!

Today, I went to Hot Yoga and let me start off by saying that one of the things you're supposed to do in the hot room(besides stay in the room) is focus on yourself. That's the hardest part! Most of the time I'm thinking about other things, bills, work, what I'm gonna do the rest of the day. I have the hardest time staying in the room, mentally. Sometimes I won't even hear the teacher talking and space out hahaha. But anyway, another reason I love hot yoga is because I've met some wonderful people. One of my main stresses is going back to school. I haven't been in school in forever it feels like and I really wanna go back! That's a whole other story though, and my biggest fear is that I'll be at Target the rest of my life, so I was telling a friend after class about this, she's older than me(doesn't look like it though). She told me that I wasn't going to be at Target the rest of my life and that school will always be there to go to. She told me to stop saying that and to not worry hahaha I loved the way she said it, "Ugh, stop saying that! You're not going to be there the rest of your life!" She also explained the positive in where I work and how much experience and establishment I'm getting. This is very true. Everything happens when the time is right. I know some truely amazing people and I learn something new everyday.

Check out all the poses we do! and we do them twice! So you can imagine how hard it is to focus haha. The feeling after is worth it all though :)

I'm feeling so much better about everything in my life. Everything will work out, I'm not worried about it. As long as I have good people in my life that make me smile and inspire me. I'm looking up to the right people for guidance.

Today is my day off and there's so much things I wanna do! I'll start at the top and end it right back here preparing for tomorrow. I wanna end this by saying, if you're stuck in a rut, don't let your mind get the best of you. Try seeing things in the positive, there are always two sides. Now, time to hit the road! xoxox

So I was thinking...

Today I was at work and thinking about my future, because it was soooo slow(I'm a Guest Service Attendant at Target) and what I wanted to do with my life. Everything is pretty much in the air right now. I can do anything and that's the exciting part! :) I also got a new outlook on my job right now... I was talking to one of my co-workers and she was telling me that she actually LIKED working at Target and that she was ok with what she was doing. She said that she liked her job because she has fun. It got me thinking and I have fun at work too(I don't plan on staying at Target though haha). I used to HATE going to work, it would seriously ruin my day but after that, it changed my whole experience. I still have those moments of, "omg, this place is so annoying" but I have a much better time and I'm more content. It just caught me off guard that someone admitted to liking a job that so many dislike.

On another note, I am really considering becoming a hot yoga teacher. This, I'm really passionate about and I love going! I wanna be one of those inspirational teachers that the students look up to and wanna take their class... I wanna say awesome things that make you see things in a new light. I wanna give off that amazing energy that helps all those around me because that's what I feel when I have certain teachers during yoga. I wish everyone would feel what I was feeling haha but I know it's an aquired taste for most, and that's ok.

I have a feeling that everything will fall into place eventually. I just have so many options... it's super exciting. I'm anticipating what's next to come!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My First Blog

So I decided to create a blog. I think this would be a good way to better understand myself and clear air alittle bit. And I got the idea from my very good friend, Allison. Thanks Allison!

The hard part was trying to figure out the name for my blog. I was trying to create something creative and artistic but you know what? Floor Bow sounded right for me because that's my best yoga pose. Also, since I love yoga so much I wanted to incorprate it in my title somehow so, there you have it. I suppose in some way, this could be a journal, maybe not so personal. But just to let my loved ones into my mind more because I don't talk much. I honestly don't know how to work this very well, but like Facebook, I'll get the hang of it haha